Mastering Wireless Security: An In-Depth Guide to Cracking WEP and WPA Protocols (Wifite)

Mastering Wireless Security: An In-Depth Guide to Cracking WEP and WPA Protocols (Wifite)

Introduction to Wifite

Wifite is an automated wireless attack tool, widely used in the cybersecurity industry. It simplifies the process of testing wireless networks by automating the tasks involved in a wireless attack. This tool is particularly useful for IT professionals and cybersecurity enthusiasts who need to ensure the security of wireless networks.

Key Features of Wifite

  • Automated Wireless Attack: Automates various wireless network attacks.
  • Multiple Attack Modes: Supports WEP, WPA, and WPS encrypted networks.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplified interface for ease of use.

Installation of Wifite

To use Wifite, you must have a Linux-based operating system, preferably Kali Linux, as it comes pre-equipped with the necessary wireless testing tools.

Step 1: Update System Repository

					sudo apt-get update


Step 2: Installing Wifite

If you’re not using Kali, you’re going to need to install it with the following command.

					sudo apt-get install wifite


Install wifi dependencies

You don’t have to, but it’s recommended to install hcxdumptool and hcxpcapngtool. 

Copy and paste the following command.

					sudo apt-get install hcxdumptool && hcxpcapngtool -y


Using Wifite

Before you start, ensure you have the necessary permissions and your wireless card supports monitor mode.

Step 1: Launching Wifite

Open a terminal and type:

					sudo wifite


If you want to use wifite with a dictionary attack you need to tell wifite where your dictionary file is. Use the following command to make life easy and use the rockyou.txt dictionary file.

					sudo wifite -wpa --dict /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


Step 2: Selecting a Target Network

Wifite will display a list of available networks. You can select a network for testing by entering the corresponding number. Enter Ctrl-C to break the scanning process. Then select a target on the left-hand side by providing a number or type all.

Step 3: Choosing an Attack

After selecting a network, Wifite will suggest the best attack based on the network’s security protocol (WEP, WPA, WPS). For instance, here I selected network number one, depicted as 3CTsystems3Ghz. This is my home network, so nobody freak out. I gave myself permission to hack my own network.

Step 4: Monitoring the Attack Progress

Once an attack is launched, Wifite will display its progress. For WPA attacks, this may involve capturing a handshake.

Some networks don’t have a lot of traffic or clients and may take a significant amount of time to capture a handshake. That’s where a de-author comes in handy. I created my own de author with an ESP8266 Using this repository. GitHub – SpacehuhnTech/esp8266_deauther: Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning.  Or you can just buy one from Aliexpress. Just search for Deauther.

Step 5: Analyzing the Results

After the attack is complete, Wifite will show the results, including any keys or passwords that were captured.

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